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Intuitive Readings

Intuition may be seen as the expression of Spirit within us, independent of any reasoning process. It is the deepest part of ourselves in communication with us. Intuition is innately spiritual by nature, and has been described as the direct perception of truth. Through the intuitive faculty it is possible to recognize spiritual truth in the form of guidance and at times deep revelatory insights.

Some of the many reasons you may be called to explore your world with me:

*You KNOW it is time to understand yourself much more deeply but don't know how to begin.

*You are going through a transition and need to talk, receive guidance, make a decision, permit the exploration of feelings and paths.

*Relationships (need I say more?)

*You feel as if you are being impulsed by your soul, guides, inner-plane teachers, ancestors, and need some help sorting out what is occurring.

*You are on a path toward spiritual awakening and need to both talk about it and be affirmed.

*The big questions are arising: soul purpose, life path, gifts, loving the self, career, and service. Any question for you is honored as a big question by your soul.

A spiritual intuitive reading may be up to one and one-half hours in length. If you are able, up to half an hour in silence is suggested prior to the reading. Your soul considers this a "homecoming event", and the silence will prepare you to enter the sacred space of your reading. Whether in person or by phone, I will ask you two questions. (1) Have you noticed anything unusually synchronistic since you scheduled your reading? These experiences may include dreams, insights, signs, symbols, repeat themes coming up in phone calls or your own ponderings. (2) To the best of your ability, please go into detail as to why you are led to meet with me? This question routes back to the respecting of free will. I was trained that the way to honor your free will is for you to talk with me about what is occurring in your life. Often the first half hour will be set aside for this part of the reading. Please note that this "talking" often takes the form of emotion, or intuition, or on occasion the opening of flood gates within your psyche Your soul now has permission to respond to all you have discussed with me. Thus there are no surprises, no reasons to fear what you will "hear" because you have set the stage, and set the boundaries. This way honors your sovereignity which is extremely important to me and your Higher Self.

When this phase of the reading is completed, I will close my eyes for approximately three to five minutes, and listen to the ways in which your soul will begin to respond to all you have shared. When understanding comes, I will begin to speak with you. Your participation during the reading is important to its flow, and highly valued by myself and your soul. Since I have no way of knowing the extent of your agreement with your soul for this reading, your continued verbal participation deepens the process for both of us. I never know what will happen. At times there is one important theme being deeply explored. At other times there are inner children making their way to the surface to express unmet needs, as well as other soul fragments seeking integration. Often there is a stream of wisdom and connect-the-dots information being offered. On occasion there are visitations from the ancestral realm. At times I am asked to play a singing bowl, or offer a crystal or chant as a catalyst. I am always, always nurturing in approach.

My hope is that when the reading is completed, you will also have set aside more quiet time for integration. It is important not to re-enter the world you left behind too quickly, because the reading continues within you, in ways unique to you. Consider a quiet spot in nature, or a cup of tea at home, or a quiet conversation with someone who deeply understands and affirms you.

My deepest offering to you is a safe and sacred environment from which to explore your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual life. My prayer is that a window of clarity opens to shift your reality as it is currently perceived.

$222 for up to 90 minutes. Full intuitive sessions are recommended when you wish to explore and move through a process, feel complete with pressing issues, and/or explore your lineage and records: ancestral, stellar or spiritual. Also recommended when you feel stuck or traumatized and need to empty out first by talking. You may not realize how intense this need may be.

$150 for 60 minutes, helpful if you are clear on your intention for the session, and/or have a single question you wish to explore in depth.

Recommended: please consider recording  your session.

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